Wednesday, June 28, 2006

A Quiz

The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous (quoting the Bible) says, "Faith without works is dead."



Question 1 (fill in the blank) Pride without humble action is ________.

(My answer is "vain and cowardly.")

Question 2 (essay) Assume my intent is not to force the world to embrace me so that I can then embrace myself, but rather to make the world a kinder place for others in my situation so they can come out of the shadows and develop their full potential. And to help young people with similar feelings make decisions based on something other than society's prejudice.

What pride-inspired humble actions are indicated for a (no longer closeted) bisexual man married to a woman?

Since I don't have the answers this test will not be graded.


Brad said...

I am completely brain-dead today, Flip. I've tried the quiz, but I'm just not getting anywhere.


A Troll At Sea said...


here's to witness.
Especially of those who claim to be "nothing special". HA.

the Troll

bear said...

Hehe, nice answer hypoxic!

I think "humble action" is the keyword here...

A bisexual married man could have taken actions that were much less
1) would continue to pretend TGT didn't even exist.
2) wouldn't tell his wife.
3) wouldn't turn the microscope on himself and then beat himself over all the questions.
4) would just laugh at the people in the same situation instead of offering some help or insight.


All the pain and suffering you've experienced so far, seems pretty humbling to me, so you must be doing something right! ;)

Spider said...

Pride without humble action is deceitful and dishonest.

What pride-inspired humble actions are indicated for a (no longer closeted) bisexual man married to a woman?

Continue to love and respect her - the sexual connection is only a very small part of the relationship... take pride in your love and positive treatment of her, yourself and your relationship.

Flip said...

Hypoxic: You are so kind. I would be really happy if that were true.

Brad: Sorry, I was on the road and it took me a while to catch up with the reason you were brain dead. BAD ELVIS, BAD ELVIS! Drop that hard drive right now!!!!!

Troll: I appreciate the sentiments. But it's very important for me to remember that I am in no way, shape or form "terminally unique."

Hang in there with your struggles, friend.

bear: Your answer has helped me realize that perhaps my quiz was based a little bit on some grandiose thoughts, which obviously are incompatible with humility.

Spider: You scored 100! Your answers drove home the point I was beginning to get from bear's comments. KEEP IT SIMPLE!

As always, thanks to all commenters. You have really helped me better answer this question for myself.


Tom said...

I, too, am brain dead, for reasons of late-running dinner party here last night, but wanted to say how great it was to meet the actual virtual non-cyber Flip last week. Here's to more.

bear said...

Hehe, sorry. I've still kind of lingered on this topic... and something my partner mentioned this morning (since he is much better read than I) was the difference between pride and "excessive" pride.

So I think what this "Question 1" is trying to really point out is:

Pride in itself it not a bad thing (i.e. feelings of self worth or importance is not bad.)
What is bad is "excessive pride" (marked by the fact that you feel you are BETTER or worth more than the others or NOT humble.)

So to rephrase YOUR question: What action is indicated that shows self worth (i.e. pride) but that is also humble (i.e. not an excessive display of self worth.)

Answer: Probably A LOT of things you already do everyday where you are appreciated by others and therefore displaying your worth (as a husband and a father and friend etc.) and you are not being excessively proud of yourself (humble). :)

Brad said...

Isn't it funny that when I think of your blog, I think of "Mob Flip". That's my name for your site, in my mind.

But, also, I think you're a really great person, and without this blog, I'd be minus one good friend.


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