Thursday, September 14, 2006


The danger seeping through yesterday's post is the potential for returning to an alcoholic thought pattern...a grandiose way of thinking.

It goes something like this:

**Think, think, think.**

Wow! I've got it!!

I am so unique I can solve all of the world's problems if I just set my mind to it. Forget about taking care of inconsequential problems like making sure the dishwasher is emptied and my car registration is up to date. My time on earth is too short and I'm too talented to waste my time on things like that.

This is great. I've found the answer to my life's calling. Now let me
pour a glass of wine, chill out and think about all I'm going to accomplish....starting tomorrow. Wow, this feels really good. I'm getting it all sorted out! Let me pour another....and another...and another...

Tomorrows come. Nothing is taken care of...neither car registrations nor world peace. Nothing.

Goals and dreams are great, but they are accomplished one step
at a time. All moving in the right direction.

What I need to do is have faith that if I keep taking those steps...just doing the next right thing day after day...I'm going to achieve the maximum I'm capable of. For real. Not just in my head.

Have a good day.



Anonymous said...

I had a sponsor once who made me SHOW him what I had accomplished each day, not TELL him - he wanted to see tangable results - was the best thing in the world for me...

bear said...

I really do believe if you set your mind to it and persevere, you can accomplish things you didn't imagine you were capable of, but, there is a big difference between thinking about doing something and actually DOING it...that part takes work!
I find making a small list and checking things off helps me. I become obsessed with getting it done and glad I did in the end.
Keep at it!