Thursday, June 07, 2007

Something Positive? Huh? WTF?

Maybe I'm coming out of my blogging slump. Or maybe not. I know I've been checking in on some of my old blog haunts and even leaving comments. That's a good sign. And I've found a couple of new haunts.

One I found yesterday is My Journey Out.

Just when I think I've got all this stuff figured out, I come across a post like this one from My Journey Out: Get on the Damn Program

The comment I left:

You make a great point about guys being true to themselves by being themselves. I still can't figure out if I'm being true to myself by being the person I think I want to be (married) plus working toward being the person I think I can be (married and once again fatihful, plus so much more) or if I'm just trying to delay the inevitable.

One thing I'm not afraid of (though maybe I should be) is "[ing] on my death bed with any regrets about things I'd wish I'd done." I've never been one for regrets and I've already had a magical life...not that I'm ready for it to end (usually).

Thanks for sharing and listening.


What does this comment tell me about me? One thing is that although the frequency and intensity of questioning my current choices / status in life has decreased, it's not gone. And I believe the questioning will probably never be gone (at least until "it" falls off...Thanks Dr. M).

But the second paragraph of my comment reveals a me I haven't recognized in years, if ever. I didn't think about it while I wrote it, but what I wrote is true. I seldom have regrets regardless of the path taken or the outcome. I don't know if this is because I've just been lucky, or if it's actually something that's part of my makeup. Wow, could this even be something positive about me and my personality? What a strange thought.

I'd better stop now before I get carried away.

I love you guys (male and female).



Rey Rey said...

I love leaving comments like that where it just flows out of you and then you re-read it and realize, "Wow, I really am deep." :-)

I hope we reconnect too, Flip... I gotta get my head out of my ass and get back to reading blogs of my old friends.


Nate said...

I too love the moments - whether comments or posting - where my fingers take over and things appear on the page.

REGRETS: Interesting. I once (okay, maybe more than once) told my wife that I have always regreted the things I did not do, not the things that I had. And she has quoted that back to me many times over this past year and a half. And the "death bed" wondering - I suspect that haunts all of us around this neighborhood.

You sound good. Glad to hear that.

Paul said...

Gosh, Flip. It's been over a month and we haven't seen or heard from you. How's life?

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Anonymous said...

And we love you too Flip!

Brad said...

I hope I will not be pondering my regrets on my death bed, nor will I have any guilt for not making amends for the mistakes.