Tuesday, March 21, 2006

What I Learned Over The Weekend

This will make more sense if you read the past two posts, "Afraid" and "More Afraid" and the associated comments.

  1. When all worked up and itching to post: write, review, revise, WAIT, review, revise THEN post.
  2. Real friends let friends blog. This can include pointing out when they think friends may be communicating something they don’t mean (thanks again Spider).
  3. When correcting a post, leave the original and just post a subsequent correction.
  4. Holding one’s self to a high standard is cool. Being unnecessarily critical of one’s self is not beneficial to anyone.
  5. It’s (past) time for Flip to do Step Eight (make a list of all persons I have harmed, and become willing to make amends to them all) and Step Nine (make direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others).
  6. Blog friends rock!

I love you just the way you are. Thank you for extending the same courtesy to me even when I don't think I deserve it.



jetboy747 said...

*hands on hips* What's going on? What did I miss? I don't get it.

That's the thing with blogger friends...you gotta put up with their crap sometimes. *wink*

Oh wait, you have to do that in real life too.

Anonymous said...

Flip - who else could we love but you being the way you are..

Brad said...

Oh, sweet, sweet Flip. You're the best even with your imperfections. You know, kind of like the one droopy ear on a puppy.

Besides, when you do attain perfection, what the hell are you going to write about?

Flip said...

Jetboy: Sorry for being cryptic. I was just referring to my last two posts ("Afraid" and "More Afraid") and the comments related to them.

Spider: Thankfully there is one, and only one of moi!

Brad: Thanks...very sweet. And at my age I should be so lucky as to have nothing but one ear that appears droopy!


Anthony said...

I love this blogworld more and more. There are so many great people out there, and you Flip are one of them.