Honesty, integrity, restored relationships, God, service to mankind. Wow, that Flip really has his act together. He is so fucking inspirational. And humble, too. What an example for us all.
Hey, let's stop by his hotel room and see how he's doing. I'll bet he's reading something really spiritual out of the Big Book. I can't wait to see how he interprets it for us in his blog.
Hmmm. He's not there. I don't get it. It's kind of late. There are no AA meetings at this time. I swear he said he was staying at the Marriott. Oh, I know, he's probably out helping another alcoholic. You know, the whole service thing. See, the Diet Coke on the nightstand still has ice in it, so he hasn't been gone long. Look at the pad by the phone. The scribbles look like "Hilton rm 1814." I'll bet that's where he went. Looks like he rushed out of here. His laptop is still on, though AOL logged him off so it's been 30 minutes or so.
Let's go over to the Hilton. I'm sure he doesn't need our help, but it sure would be inspirational to see him imparting his spiritual wisdom to someone in person. Geez, I've never really seen a Twelfth Step call. And I thought he was just on Step Eight. Well, that's our overachiever. Man, this is gonna be exciting.
There's 1814. Jesus, look at that. That dude's really trying to hurt Flip. He must be one sick, violent son of a bitch. Hey, where are his clothes? God, what a pathetic drunk. But that's what heroes like Flip have to be ready for at any time. I know St. Francis would be proud of him.
Oh........OH....geez, I don't get it. Wow, I'm not sure they're fighting. I mean, Flip's here so this has to be about know, doing the right thing because he wants to? Just cause we don't understand exactly doesn't know, like maybe Flip took off his clothes too so the jerk didn't feel so embarassed. Right? Maybe?
Oh brother. This isn't. I mean, that's Flip, but it looks, I mean I'm not sure how that's helping...well, I mean not HELPING helping. I don't know what to say. Well, they don't need our help. Geez, let's get out of here. They need a little privacy.
Flip, a very powerful honest post. Reads like a good story too.
This, it seems to me, is what happens when you look too closely at most of what appears on the surface to be "charity", or "well-intentioned", even. Seriously, though, I still stand by the dictum of my foremother in Creative Depression and general Litle-Old-Lady-Hero:
I said that I was being faced with what a terrible person I was in the most painful way; she refused to accept it. She knew otherwise, she said, and said it in a way that made it clear to me that she knew otherwise WITHOUT IN ANY WAY QUESTIONING WHATEVER IT WAS that had opened up my own shortcomings to me -- she just knew it wasn't the whole story. Over time, I have found that a very comforting thing.
I still do. And that little exchange is already twenty years old...
oh, my goodness.
This is an interesting post. Call me a little slow, but if I understood it correctly, helping the fellow alcoholic at the Hilton may have turned into a hookup. Maybe? I'm not sure.....
The Big Book, which originally was written in 1939, teaches that a person is "recovered" from their past alcoholic addiction. When I teach a class, I emphasize that there is no such thing as "recovered", rather a person is in the process of "recovering" or "recovery", as "recovered" is an event that happened in the past -- a completed process. If the process is completed, then why is their such a high percentage of relapse? A recovering addict is either on the road to recovery or on the road to relapse. I tell the addicts I work with that they have to "buy in" to recovery otherwise they are wasting their time. But what do I know? I'm just a social worker that cares...that is trying to make a difference in someone's life.
Flip - No we have never met and probably never will. I hope to gain your trust as well as the trust of your readers. If anything hits home, apply it. If I am blowing smoke at you, throw it out. Regardless, I applaud your dedication to your personal recovery
Thanks for sticking with me, guys.
Restored, sorry it was a bit cryptic. I only wish there had been a shred of service-gone-awry. It was a hookup, plain and simple. Premeditated. Last night. And BTW Restored, you are always welcome here. I appreciate your insights along with everyone else's.
I have been writing a lot lately. I think It's time for me to listen a little more.
Me reading: OH DEAR! Flip's been kidnapped! Oh. oh. OH! Okay. Oh my! What? Hmmm.
Oh, good for you!
I've come back to this post a few times and try as I might to be on a high road, I'm with JetBoy - good for you.
(Man am I conflicted about my upcoming Chicago trip.)
Your honesty is refreshing, even if this blog sees much of it.
There is something admirable about that, whether or not you see it.
I hate to look at actual human drama with a cold critical eye, but my cold critical eye says that is one fine piece of writing. Truly.
As for what happened--well--you wanted it to happen, you'll want it again, there's nothing wrong with it in and of itself, the only problem would be your dishonesty to your wife, so maybe you need to weigh the various wants here and, uh, make a decision?
And a note to Hypoxic--Mother Theresa was no Mother Theresa. Read Missionary Position, the brilliant expose (to put it mildly) by Christopher Hitchens.
btw- the content was so gripping, i forgot to mention the pure writing - I second Tom.
All I can say is, "You Go!" Probably NOT what you expect but it is not abnormal.
Nothing wrong with a hook-up. As long as you played safe and sane.
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