Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Me? Forget you? No way!

Sorry for the sporadic posts, folks. This month is always a very busy one for me. I'll be back to do more over here later this week. Today I'll just direct you to my blog, Southern Expressions, which you can click on in the links on the side. (For some reason the hyperlink option isn't working. Gotta love Blogger!)

At least then you'll understand why you haven't been getting your recommended dosage of "Mobius Flip."

Hope to see you on my porch.

Brad, your "Running on Empty" Temp Flip.


Nate said...

OKAY - No Flip but new picture. Are you secretely changing the look on your hiatus. Will there be a new Flip on the other side?
Take care where ever you are.

Brad said...

The Joan Rivers picture was entirely Flip's idea.

Get it... Joan Rivers standing in for Johnny Carson.

It is so funny you could just die laughing...