Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Going to L

Brad tagged me with a meme asking me to think of ten words that both describe me and start with the letter "L."

Of course I can't just follow directions. Since it's all about me it must be exceptionally (terminally) special and unique. So I'm exceeding ten words by sharing the initial, substandard in my view, list I came up with and then the words that three other friends / co-workers added when I asked them. Perhaps "lawbreaker" should be added to the list.

Here are the words I thought of:


Then I solicited words from my closest friend, JT. Here is her kinder, gentler offering.


Two good friends / co-workers added:

Loose (in a good way)

So let me address each list, starting with my own.

Loser: This is not healthy, but when I'm hosting a self-pity party it is my default description of myself.

Loud: I was a very loud drunk. I am also a quite loud sober person. The difference is that when I was drinking I was loud anywhere, anytime...screw the rest of you. Now I am typically only loud around people with whom and in situations where I feel very comfortable.

Lost: If you have read much of my blog at all this is self-explanatory, although I am feeling more "found" all the time.

Lazy: When on a mission I am tireless. When left to my own devices I can spend an entire day sitting in bed reading a good book.

Loquacious: I'm very expressive. My favorite way to think something through is by talking about it - preferably with someone else present. I am sure this gets very tiresome to the people around me. In fact sometimes it gets very tiresome to me, too. Unfortunately it often leads to problems inherent in speaking THEN thinking.

Liar: If you read my blog you know this describes me. I’m not proud of it. I don’t do it much - but any at all is TOO much. And you know what kind of lies I mean. The ones that count. Not the ones that are told to keep other people from being hurt.

Licentious: See “liar.”

My bestest friend JT’s list:

Laughs: I love to laugh. And I love to make other people laugh. Almost more than anything in the world. This is how I relate to the world. But (way too) often it is cynical and sarcastic. I'm trying to cut down on that kind of laughter (both within myself and as a way of making others laugh). I think this falls in the category of “our greatest strengths are often our greatest weaknesses.”

Loving: I hope this is self-explanatory. But sometimes, all too often, my weaknesses get in the way of this. I would like to work on that.

Loyal: I am very loyal to friends and causes. This seems contradictory vis-a-vis "liar" and "licentious." Yeah. I'm a contradiction. I'll bet you are too or you wouldn't be reading this.

Laudatory: I ALWAYS try to give credit where credit is due. I hate it when people take credit for something they did not do. I'd die if I ever thought someone thought I did that. I especially practice this at work with the people on my team...because I remember what it’s like to work with someone who does the opposite.

Lavish: Not in material things for myself...but in living life in general. Perhaps just short of "over the top" sometimes?

Leader: The scrawny wimp/faggot who grew up in Texas in the 70’s does not see himself in this way. Apparently others do.

Liberal: And getting more so every day. Hello Society of Friends. Hello vow of poverty.

Leo: Through and through.

Loather: The dark side intense loyalty. As an alcoholic in recovery for today, I can no longer afford the luxury of loathing anyone or anything. This will kill me. And I know it.

Friends’ list:

Likeable: I would be a pretty unsuccessful people-pleaser if this didn’t show up on someone’s list!

Lively and Loose (in a good way…and just between you and me, a bad way too): This goes along with Lavish, Laughter, Loud, Loquacious and as far as I can tell, Leo. Too bad “attention whore” doesn’t start with an “l.”

Brad, thank you for choosing me and giving me such a lovely letter with which to work.

I would like to tag
Cymber with "S"
Drew with "I" and
Hypoxic with "P." As in Pretty Please Kevin????




Brad said...

Attention whore. Yep, I'm pretty sure that falls under the Leo category.

Great list. I the same thing as you, let others help come up with some of the words. I don't know if it is cheating or if it is a more honest representation that way. (I didn't have a list of rules.)

You did a great job, and it's a very accurate representation of what I know of you, Flip.


Nate said...

As one who is often accused of using SAT words, I am just in awe of some of the choices. Great descriptions and just wonderful choice of words.

bear said...

Some of the words are funny, yet revealing! Elaborating on each word is the the others said, great word choice.

Anonymous said...

Since we are on L words... from one Leo to another, Love being able to wish you a Happy Birthday my friend - and here is to many, many, more...

D said...

Thanks for the tag -- words that begin with "I" that describe me. Hmmm. I guess you'll just have to check back next week to find out. :-)