The Last First Thought, Etc.
As soon as I initially published the prior post, I realized I needed to add what is now the first bullet point in the list. Unfortunately Blogger would not allow me to post the revised version for several hours, but I want to be sure everyone sees that point, too.
And I'd also like to add that the list of "regular reads" over to the right is sadly outdated. Someday I will update it thoroughly. One addition that was long overdue and has been made is Bi and Bye - which I have finally added. Regarding that blog, although there are many surface differences (geography, addictions / lack thereof, etc.) all too often Mr. BB (jasman) seems to blog my thoughts, if not my life. Sorry jasman that it has taken me so long to add you, and sorry to anyone whose blog needs to be added and has not yet been.
Thanks again to everyone out there who is part of my world.
Thank you, Flip, for always being so inspirational and positive... Your blog is always amazing to read.
I am touched. Thanks very much. As you say, the echoes of our lives are rather uncanny - despite being thousands of miles apart in completely different circumstances.
I am honoured to be in such company (the - correct - spelling of 'honour' may give a clue as to where I am from)
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