What Happened To My Manners?
I owe everyone an apology for not responding to the thoughtful and insightful comments you have made to my posts since I returned.
I have now added responses in the comment section of each post.
I'll also try to be a better blog friend by checking your blogs and commenting more regularly.
I'm sorry - and thanks for sticking with me even though I've been pretty damned thoughtless!
Oh, hmm...didn't know responses were required...guess I'm guilty too!
I would never think of you ever being thoughtless...you're always sending your love and kindness.
The strange joy of this land is we come and go without pressure. I suspect you have enough without us being a pressure point also.
I do confess to still being surprised at what posts I do which get a mess 'o comments and which do not. I still cannot predict it.
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