Friday, July 11, 2008

Into The Ditch

First, thank you to my two readers, Brad and Cymber. You are both at the top of my blogland list. I appreciate the honesty and thoughtfulness of your comments. And I am grateful to count you both as friends.

Second, I talked about the narrow country lane. Earlier this week I drove straight into the ditch next to that country lane. It wasn't a slow drift. It was a sharp, quick turn of the wheel.

But I'm back on pavement now.

I'm a dangerous combination: a slow learner who thinks he can figure out anything. Like how a twelve step program works. Unfortunately for people like me, this approach makes it much harder to achieve the goal of a twelve step program - to have a spiritual experience which is (one of) the only solution(s) to the problem behavior.

I follow the simple directions in the book for a while, start feeling better, start feeling less than humble, and then decide I can figure it out. I want to figure it out because I think I can find "an easier, softer way." And because I am lazy and don't want to do the work I need to do to maintain my spiritual condition.

I'm a slow learner, so each time I forget what happened the last time. That I neither can nor need to figure it out, and that the result of this effort is always, ALWAYS, an excursion into the ditch (nil?).

I hope you both have a great weekend, and thanks again for the love you show me.



Thursday, July 03, 2008

Cop Out

Wow, talk about having your bubble burst.

Brad's assessment of the current state of my life (commenting on my last post):

"Just to go to meetings to deny that you are bisexual or homosexual to assure yourself that it is something that can be treated as an addiction seems like a bit of a cop out to me."

I appreciate comments on this blog - especially those that are the hardest to hear.

Coming from the reader who I believe knows me best, this one makes it crystal clear I have done a piss-poor job of communicating my thoughts, my decisions and my journey. So much so that this blog is likely a real danger to those I had deluded myself into thinking might find some hope here.

I don't know how else to say it. I am not denying my bisexuality / homosexuality. I am not trying to treat or alter that core part of my being. I am trying to deal with "life on life's terms" - some of which were dealt to me and some of which I have created through my own decisions.

I am trying to treat / alter my obsessive and harmful behavior - which I personally believe is not a direct result of my sexual orientation. (I'm the only admittedly non-straight guy I've encountered so far in SAA).

What I've learned: a blog is no substitute for a pair of moccasins and a mile-long track.



Wednesday, July 02, 2008


In response to my last post, Brad asked, ”How does one determine and then define themselves as a sex addict?”

Here’s how I did it.

According to

Addiction: The condition of being habitually or compulsively occupied with or involved in something.


More relevant to me specifically, my SAA sponsor “qualified” me as a sex addict using three criteria, 1) powerlessness, 2) unmanageability, and 3) having a progressive condition potentially leading to death.

In this post, I will not bore you with sordid details other than to say that I qualified myself using these general examples:

  1. Powerlessness: My repeated promises to myself to cease my behavior, followed often almost immediately by breaking those promises.
  2. Unmanageability: The lengths I was going to in hiding and engaging in my behavior to the detriment (and endangerment in some cases) of my job, family and good sense.
  3. Having a progressive and potentially fatal condition. Progressive: The increasingly unsafe situations in which I placed myself (and indirectly, others). Potentially Fatal: The abject hopelessness I increasingly felt about the whole situation led me to believe that at some point I might gather enough courage and insanity to kill myself, plus the increasing risk of contracting a fatal disease which could ultimately do the job for me.

Knowing Brad as I do, I think there might be more behind his question. We’ll see.
