Friday, May 12, 2006

Breaking news... The Temp Flip is in a good mood!

Sharing ones life with someone else is difficult at times, but it certainly has its rewards. Justin and I just had a quiet evening at home yesterday. Then, today, things just seem right. Easy.

I've been a bit of a Grumpalottapuss lately so our relationship has been a little strained.

But, today, I'm feeling different. Cheerful, even.

Very cool profile pic Flip has posted. Perhaps he'll share with us the meaning and who this is a depiction of.

Peace to all.

Brad, your cheerful, almost bubbly, "Temp Flip".


A Troll At Sea said...

Unless I am very much mis-shapen, as my wife's family says, that is the portrait of Akhenaten, failed simplifier of Egyptian religion, and general whippet-head.

Where the role of the Pharaoh was to act the role of a star on earth and ride the flood of the Nile from Aswan to the Delta, old Akhenaten said, not me, and built a huge temple city ON THE EXACT HALFWAY POINT, where he proceeded to sit immobile for the rest of his [not very long] life.

Cool statue, though. Real breakthrought in depicting an ACTUAL as opposed to an idealized human being. [Who would look like that if idealized? All of us who've gained too much weight recently, that's who.]

The Oh-So-Erudite

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